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10 benefits of daily yoga practice

Published 10-Oct-2022
Written by Danielle Harrison

In today’s hectic world, many of us struggle to find the time to prioritise our own needs, at the expense of our wellbeing.

Practicing yoga every day can help you feel better physically and emotionally, with more energy at your disposal.

This article explores 10 benefits of daily yoga practice, many of which are backed by science!

But first, what is yoga?

This ancient exercise originated more than 5000 years ago in Northern India. Yoga combines physical poses with deep breathing to integrate the mind, body and spirit. More than an exercise, it’s also a way of life.


There are many styles of yoga, catering to different preferences and fitness levels.


Gentle classes are suitable for everyone, even if you’re injured, unwell or have a disability. You can practice yoga in a studio with other participants, or from the privacy of your home.

10 benefits of daily yoga practice:


1. Better mental health


You’re probably no stranger to stress and sometimes feel overwhelmed by life.


Long-term stress usually leads to anxiety and depression, as well as chronic health problems.


Yoga helps us to focus on the present moment, while also activating our relaxation response.


There’s no shortage of studies showing that people who frequently practice yoga have lower levels of anxiety and depression. For example, one study shows a drastic reduction in stress levels for women who participated in 12 yoga sessions.


Another study by Deakin University shows there are significant mental health benefits for men who practice yoga, even though they make up less than 20 per cent of participants.


"Participants reported initial physical health benefits that often extended to mental health benefits, including stress reduction. One participant described feeling "calmer in all situations . . . a lot calmer".


2. Improve sleep quality


Sleep deprivation stops us from functioning properly, and can even lead to health problems such as high blood pressure and depression.


Thankfully yoga can alleviate insomnia and improve sleep quality, no matter what time of day you pull out your mat. Yoga involves a lot of stretching and deep breathing, which relaxes the muscles and mind.


Research shows that regular yoga practice helps people to fall asleep faster, with fewer episodes of disturbed sleep and a reduced need for sleep medications.


Read our related blog about ‘5 night time rituals for a better sleep’ here.

3. Period pain be gone


It’s good news for women: yoga has been shown to relieve many symptoms associated with menstruation and menopause.


At least 15 studies show that period pain and related symptoms (such as breast tenderness and bloating) are less severe after yoga training, though more research is needed.


When it comes to the dreaded hot flushes that often go hand in hand with menopause, these have been shown to be milder and less frequent with regular yoga practice.


4. An easier pregnancy with better delivery outcomes


Expectant mamas, pay attention, you’re likely to benefit from prenatal yoga! This specific style has been designed to help pregnant women feel relaxed, grounded and empowered for the next chapter of their lives.


Pregnancy yoga may also shorten delivery time during labour and lower pelvic pain.


Note: Prenatal yoga involves gentle movements, so it’s safe. Having said this, you should always check with your doctor before starting a class, and then only participate in classes that are suitable for pregnancy.


5. Improve fitness, build muscle tone and lose weight


Practicing yoga is a good way to get (and stay) in shape.


Not only will you have greater muscle strength and endurance, but your cardio-respiratory fitness will also improve.


Also consider that Yogis become better at tuning into their body signals over time. This mindfulness can help you regulate your eating habits so you’re less likely to overeat.     


More dynamic forms of yoga (such as Hatha or Vinyasa Yoga) are best for losing weight. For example, you could burn around 275 calories during a 60 minute Yoga session.


Having said this, if you’re expecting to quickly burn fat during yoga, you may be disappointed. It’s better for consistent weight loss over time (in a gentle, sustainable and enjoyable way).

6. Improve posture, balance and flexibility


Yoga postures increase mobility in the joints and muscles, while building strength at the same time. Regular practice increases your range of motion, loosens tension in the body and reduces stress on the joints. If you want to drastically improve your balance, posture and flexibility in a short time, then yoga is the exercise for you.

7. More confidence


You’re bound to feel empowered by committing to yoga, because you know you’re looking after your mind and body. In fact, women who practice yoga have been shown to have higher levels of self-esteem and a better body image after 12 weeks.


8. Lower blood pressure


Not only can yoga help people to better manage symptoms associated with cardiovascular disease, it has also been proven to lower blood pressure and stress-induced hypertension, which is a huge deal!


9. Less chronic pain and faster recovery from injuries


Every yoga pose involves stretching numerous muscles in the body, without too much strain. Gentle stretching expands and realigns the muscle fibres, while also helping blood to circulate more efficiently. This translates to faster healing from injuries. Yoga has even been used to treat severe back pain, though please ask your instructor about adapting the movements for your condition.


10. Stronger immune system


Yoga supports your immune system, by regulating the lymph system and feeding tissues with blood that’s rich with oxygen. You’re also less likely to catch a bug when you’re feeling relaxed and taking good care of your mind and body with regular yoga practice.

Feel more like yourself with Western Wellness Yoga


Regular yoga practice can help you to centre your mind and look after your body.


Our yoga and meditation classes are open to everyone, from beginners to experienced yogis. We offer comprehensive classes designed for all ages and fitness levels.


Come to our studio in Point Cook or enjoy videos and live-streamed classes from the comfort of your home (pricing options).


Call us on 0409 248 591 or fill out this contact form to find out more.

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