Advanced Diploma in Yoga Teaching (350 hours)
This program is designed for anyone who would like to learn more about yoga, or start their career pathway to become a fully accredited yoga teacher.
You don’t need to have an established yoga practice or be a fitness professional to get started - this course is for you. Through your studies, you will gain practical experience and confidence in your own yogic knowledge, and also build the expertise to safely plan and deliver your own yoga classes. At the conclusion of the Advanced Diploma of Yoga you will be a certified Yoga Teacher, who is “job ready” and confident to teach yoga in Australia and internationally.
Delivered part-time, 5 hours per week over 12 months, Students have the option of attending training onsite in person or attending remotely online in a self-paced environment. Our program offers comprehensive training in yogic practice, philosophy, lifestyle, and yoga teaching. Our program is extremely flexible and family friendly and can be easily completed by students who work full-time and have children.
We recognise that your study journey does not end when you complete your initial qualification. Western Wellness has incorporated specialist elective options as your part of our Advanced Diploma Qualification so that students can complete their studies in a flexible time frame that meets their needs.
Core Modules: 300 Hours
Module 1: The History & Philosophy of Yoga
Module 2: Theory & Practice of Yoga
Module 3: Energetic Anatomy & Physiology
Module 4: Human Anatomy & Physiology
Module 5: Yoga Teaching Methodology, Practices & Ethics
Elective Modules: 50 Hour Certificates
At Western Wellness You Get Two Qualifications for the price one! - Students can choose one of the following majoring electives as part of their Advanced Teaching Diploma in Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga.
50 Hour Certificate of Yin & Relaxation – Yin a modern style of relationship yoga that focuses on stretching our deep facia, connective tissue, and joints.
50 Hour Certificate of Pregnancy Yoga – Our pregnancy course provides comprehensive training to teach teaching students through their pregnancy as well as post-partum support.
50 Hour Certificate of Trauma Informed Yoga – Be qualified to teach students who present with complex mental health concerns as well as psychological injury and trauma.
50 Hour Certificate of Restorative Yoga – Be qualified to teach students who present with complex physical injury and limitations.
50 Hour Certificate of Mindfulness Coaching – Be qualified to coach and mentor students to develop strong and resilient mindfulness based practises.
Students can also elect to complete all three of the above modules and graduate with a (500 hour) Master of Yoga Teaching Qualification.
Request a course prospectus
Find out more about our in-person and online yoga teacher training program
You can pay for your course upfront in full, or via a payment plan.
We have flexible payment arrangements to make completing your course accessible for everyone. If money is tight, talk to us about your personal circumstances and we can discuss payment options available to you. Ask us for more information.

Our program is designed for anyone who would like to learn more about yoga or start their career pathway to become a fully accredited yoga teacher.

We run yoga teacher training programs throughout the year, and often have early bird discount offers.